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Grupo Render promotes and legalizes the first photovoltaic plant for self-consumption in Extremadura (14.364 KWh/year).

renderGrupo Render, based in Navalmoral de la Mata and with a lot of experience in this sector, has legalized the first photovoltaic plant for self-consumption in Extremadura. An installation, which is connecting electricity grid, does not have batteries and maintenance, their reliability is 25 years.

The electric panels, which are made in Spain (Solaria), will locate in the marquees of the car park, in Grupo Render offices. 45 electric panels (245 Wp each) with 11.025 Wp in total and the inverse will be SMA 10Kw.

The installation will generate 14.364,47 KWh/year, more than 30% of power consumed by the company. The annual saving will be 3.400 Euros and the depreciation 5 years. 9 houses could be supplying by this installation, avoiding the emission of 5.800 kg CO2.

Foto: Recreación de la futura instalación en Navalmoral de la Mata. Publicado en Energía de Extremadura.